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What can Shipping API do?

NEWS: Infranet not providing support for Shipping API in Croatia as of 1st June 2021.

Shipping API is an interface to all shipping services of a shipping provider. Shipping API can create shipments using your address data, create pick-up orders, validate the shipment data, get pricing information per shipment, schedule a collection, and track shipments in real-time directly from your system, without using any of the software of a shipping provider. If you are not sure if your software can use Shipping API, please contact your IT administrator.

List of features

Shipping APIs cover most of the services that shipping provider offers to the customers. In addition to services and features offered, there are some features that come exclusively with the use of Shipping API.

Create shipments and pick-up orders User can submit address data and shipping service data to get one or more shipping labels for parcels and pallets. Shipments can be picked up at the shipper's address or an alternative address. Please consult the Supported services for details.
Get pricing information User can get pricing information per shipment created via Shipping API in local currency.
Schedule collection and delivery User can schedule a collection of one or more shipments for a specific time and date, produce a PDF pick-up list (loading list of shipment for shipping).
Track shipments in real-time Shipping API can transmit shipment tracking information upon request.

Additional features

If you cannot find some feature of the Shipping API, please consult the Further Shipping API development section. If you cannot find your feature there, please use Support contact details to find the appropriate solution for your inquiry. Be sure to use the contact details intended for your country. If you are an international customer, please contact your sales representative.

Supported shipping services

Most of the shipping services offered by a shipping provider with Shipping API are available through Shipping API.

Domestic shipping End of business day yes yes yes
Delivery up to 8:30 yes yes yes
Delivery up to 10:30 yes yes yes
Cash-on-delivery (COD) yes yes yes
Additional insurance yes yes yes
Document return yes yes yes
Collection scheduling yes yes yes
Pick-up at alternative address yes yes yes
International shipping International road (Eurodis) yes no yes
International UPS yes no yes*
Shipping labels Custom shipping label size n/a yes no
Custom shipping label text n/a yes no
Shipping label PDF export n/a yes no
  • UPS services available via with MyUPS account.

How can shipping API help my business?

Shipping API can bring different benefits to any business that requires regular shipping of parcels and pallets. Some of the effects are listed below.

Less undeliverable shipments

Retyping receivers address into an additional software is not only cost-beneficial but is prone to errors which can cause shipping delays or undelivered shipments. Using Shipping API, you do not have to worry about that as real-time direct data transmission and validation assure that those mistakes do not happen.

Use only your system

If your business uses Shipping API, you will not need to train your staff to use the shipping provider's web application.

Customize shipping label

You may want to brand the shipping labels with your logo or use some special shipping label size. This is all possible, as Shipping API produces fully customizable shipping labels of any size.

Receiver database maintenance

As opposed to the usage of Internet Shipping which offers you the usage of the standard address book, Shipping API uses the data you provide it. So, if the shipment receiver changes the address, you will need to update it in your system only as Shipping API creates shipping documents based on the.

Getting started

Is very easy. It's strongly recommended that you read through this entire document. After you have finished getting this information, please consult Support contact details for any inquiries you might have.

Access to Shipping API

Shipping API is publicly accessible via address - NOT AVAILABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. HTTPS access to API access (port 403) is currently not available. However, HTTPS access is a planned feature. Access is granted by provisioning a valid shipping API key by a parcel shipping company. If you require access to the Shipping API, please contact your sales representative. If you do not know who is your sales representative, or you are not a customer of the shipping company, please contact the support.

The access is granted to Provisioning of new API keys Customer is granted access to a Shipping API by generating an API key via the Shipping API administration interface. A customer is referenced by the customer account number from the cargoNET system (customer ID) in the Shipping API administration interface. It is recommended that the Shipping API administration user interface is visible only from within a shipping company network. The decision process of when access to the Shipping API via an API key is granted to a customer is handled by a shipping company.

Maintenance and downtime

Being the core business application, Shipping API maintenance and downtime is carefully planned. Most of the updates are scheduled for outside of regular business hours whenever that is possible. The technical personnel of Shipping API users will be notified of any planned longer downtime by posting such information on the official shipping provider's website. In case of ad-hoc maintenance or downtime, technical contact will not be notified if downtime is shorter than 30 minutes.

Further Shipping API development

If you think that the current feature set and set of features are not fitting your needs, please contact us directly at with the desired list of features. All requests will be assessed case by case. The shipping provider will try to find the appropriate solution for most of the needs of users. However, the shipping provider does not promise to implement all requested features, nor does it promise to maintain any deadlines for implementation.

Case studies

Shipping API has a solid proof-of-concept. If you require additional information about Shipping API case studies, please consult this section.

Large domestic shipper example:

eKupi is a general web retailer focusing on consumer electronics. eKupi is sending thousands of B2C shipments per day within Croatia and is integrated via. Shipments are picked up at several addresses and delivered mostly to private consumers. Additional information about this case will be provided later on.

Small domestic shipper: is a small privately operated webshop that offers cosmetics and food supplements to buyers in Croatia. Shipments are picked up at one address and delivered to multiple addresses in Croatia. Additional information about this case will be provided later on.

Large online classifieds: Njuškalo

Njuškalo is the largest online classifieds directory in Croatia which offers its private users the possibility to create shipments, offer shipping prices, and schedule shipment collection via seamless integration of Shipping API into the classifieds platform. Njuškalo users are granted a free-of-charge fraud protection mechanism if cash-on-delivery is used. Additional information about this case will be provided later on.

Shipping APIs data exchange is governed by the legislation on data protection and contractual provisions between the shipping provider and shipping provider's customer.

Getting access to Shipping APIs

If you require access to Shipping API, please contact your sales representative with details of your request in writing. If your request is approved you will receive your API key. Access to Shipping API may require signing documents. Only customers with a valid customer account number (customer ID) of the shipping provider have the right to be granted access to Shipping API.

All unauthorized access to Shipping API is strictly prohibited and can be subject to prosecution. If you are not sure if you have the right to access Shipping API, DO NOT ACCESS IT. Contact a parcel shipping company and ask for proof of the right to access Shipping APIs. You can find the contacts here. Shipping data contains sensitive customer data information. The exchange of such data is governed by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October, 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and as such is applicable to all EU member states. Moreover, additional local legislation of EU countries can be applicable. Countries in the process of EU accession may have different personal data protection legal provisions (Republic of Serbia). Adherence to personal data provisions is a strict responsibility of both shipper and a parcel shipping company. Additional rules of the shipping company may apply.

Additional rules of using Shipping API

Each shipping provider may list a set of corporate rules that apply to usage of Shipping API. Some of those documents are listed here:

Croatia General Terms and Conditions of Business Conduct of Overseas Trade Co. Ltd. d.o.o. (HR: Opći uvjeti poslovanja društva Overseas Trade Co. Ltd. d.o.o.) - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. link to website - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021.
General Terms and Conditions of Use of Web Site and Web Applications of Overseas Trade Co. Ltd. d.o.o. (HR: Opći uvjeti o uvjetima i načinu korištenja internet stranica i internet aplikacija društva Overseas Trade Co. Ltd. d.o.o.) - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. link to website - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021.

There may be additional documents and rules relevant to your business - be sure to contact appropriate support contact to determine what additional rules may apply.

Third-party access to the exchanged information

The Shipping API has been developed by a company INFRANET RAZVOJ d.o.o. / INFRANET DEVELOPMENT Ltd. (https

:// incorporated in Croatia, VAT ID: HR96216592400 hereinafter referred to as the Developer. The Developer is not licensed to grant access to Shipping APIs, not to. However, the Developer may be involved in a shipping integration project if a customer or shipping provider requires so. The developer will not answer any of the requests submitted by existing or potential Shipping API users without the explicit written approval of the shipping provider. If you require support, please use the listed Support contact details.


This documentation is maintained by the Developer. If you require any assistance regarding the use of this documentation, please use Support contact details.

Support contact details

If you require support, please consult the listed support contact details for the country and type of inquiry you have.

Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday and holiday
Croatia General customer support Overseas Express - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021 - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. 8-20h CET 8-12h CET closed
Technical API support Overseas Express - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. 8-18h CET closed closed
Request for API access Overseas Express - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. - NOT APPLICABLE AS OF 1.6.2021. 9-17h CET closed closed
Implementation and integrations Infranet 9-17h CET closed closed